7/21 Tuesday Night Laser Racing Recap, Scores, and Photos

2020 Results to date: Laser Fleet and Elliot Fleet

Our friendly Northerly was there on cue again last night but it didn't offer the same strength that it had over the previous few nights. Twenty three racers enjoyed a fairly consistent 7-8 knots of breeze that faded a little in the last race or two but never left anybody stranded. It seemed like the left was the way to go all night upwind and there were some options downwind. As always, keeping your head on a swivel and looking for puffs was key.  Welcome to instructor Christian's brother, Charlie, who made it onto the course from the midwest and showed that it's a family of skilled sailors.  Thanks to Wyatt Pike, Walter Tierney and Chase Hurwitch for running the races tonight.  We also started a new rules discussion with a rules presentation followed by interactions of the night discussion in an open forum. Congratulations to Scott Vermerris for winning the night and sailing away with his own breeze, often followed by Dave Staley. 

~ Blog Entry Written By PCSA Founder Geoff Hurwitch

Photos by Wyatt Pike:


Photos by Walter Tierney:


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23 boats on the line!

23 boats on the line!

Dave Staley and Scott VerMerris battling for first position.

Dave Staley and Scott VerMerris battling for first position.

Board members David Rennie and Buster Pike at the top mark with Will Warlick chasing close behind.

Board members David Rennie and Buster Pike at the top mark with Will Warlick chasing close behind.

Dave Rennie with his nose out, Scott VerMerris on the inside.

Dave Rennie with his nose out, Scott VerMerris on the inside.

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Boats on boats…

Boats on boats…

…on boats.

…on boats.

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Geoff Hurwitch and Buster Piker chasing Ed Gorfinkle.

Geoff Hurwitch and Buster Piker chasing Ed Gorfinkle.

Scott VerMerris’ race face.

Scott VerMerris’ race face.

Dave Staley’s race face.

Dave Staley’s race face.

Mark boat drivers Walter Tierney and Chase Hurwitch.

Mark boat drivers Walter Tierney and Chase Hurwitch.

Scott VerMerris