Tuesday 7/14 Laser Recap & Results

2020 Results to date: Laser Fleet and Elliot Fleet

Laser racing on Tuesday night was a rubber stamp of last week in both wind direction and strength though the breeze seemed a little stronger in races 1 through 3. Wind was out of the North with the weather mark near the mooring field and thanks to the strong breeze the leeward leg was plenty long allowing time to work different sides of the leg for breeze or angle. Upwind, especially the first leg, it seemed as though the left played with wind speed and the right usually had the long tack and better angles but as always, it was better to just play the shifts and stay vigilant.  Due to the strong breeze there was plenty of wipeouts which caused for some boat failures.  We saw some early retirements unfortunately as the total number of boats out was actually 21 for the night to start with. A few mainsheet blocks were fried and races lost but with six races finished all in good or great breeze, there didn't seem to be anybody complaining.  Welcome back to Alex Gross who made a cameo all the way from Las Vegas and finished the night by selling his boat back into the fleet to a young new addition. Also welcome to Kevin Vigor who transitioned from boat borrower last week to boat owner this week.  Thank you to Wyatt Pike for getting six nice races off tonight. It was also great to have so many instructors out on the water both racing and watching.  Forgive me if I don't have all the names but there was Kayla and Andrew racing, Christian took over for Kayla in the last couple of races, Will Rusconi races regularly and the other Will was out on the Mark boat with another instructor.  Thanks for joining us and for all of you Laser sailors, next time you see the instructors, be sure to thank them as they're doing a great job throughout the pandemic, running a great program for the kids five days a week and the Junior Program is busier and more full than it has ever been with so many hurdles that have to be overcome with social distancing and safety.

~ Blog entry written by PCSA Founder Geoff Hurwitch

This Saturday we have racing from 11:00 to 5:00. We hope to see everyone there. It’s a great time to take advantage of the daytime thermal breeze.

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Scott VerMerris