What is Park City Sailing's plan for keeping campers safe and healthy this summer?


This summer at Park City Sailing we have adopted, and will be enforcing the following procedures in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our community. We take these measures extremely seriously and have weekly meetings to discuss any changes or modifications that need to be made.

Parents will receive an email the week prior to their child's attendance that will include a detailed description of our policies and procedures regarding social distancing and mask wearing.

  • Parents will drop children off from their vehicle and sign in with an instructor from their car.

  • We will have two forehead thermometers and will log this information daily. We will verbally ask each parent if anyone within their social distance bubble has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive within the last 14 days. IF the answer is yes to any of these questions and the student has a temperature, the student will not attend the program that day or until Wasatch County Health Department has been contacted for further instruction.

  • We will limit our class sizes to a maximum of 20 (including instructors), although I believe we will be able to keep it MUCH lower than this throughout the Summer.

  • Groups will be permanent for the entire week, kids will not be switched in and out of groups unless for a safety concern.

  • When possible, students from the same household will be grouped together.

  • We will assign individual equipment to each student for each week. This along with daily cleaning and sanitizing will keep our gear from being mixed-up and contaminated.

  • Park City Sailing equipment will be sanitized regularly throughout the day and after every use. Instructors will carry their own sanitizing spray and cloths for spraying and wiping high touch areas as well as equipment they must be in contact with for teaching. After a piece of equipment is touched by an instructor it is sprayed and/or wiped. After any kind of shared contact occurs of equipment it will be sanitized.

  • We will ensure all students and instructors wear a mask when social distancing of 6 ft. cannot be maintained.

  • We will ensure students are wearing a mask as often as is physically possible especially when social distancing of 6 ft. cannot be maintained.

  • We will have no indoor classrooms. We will teach sailing on the water and on the shorelines with students and instructors spread out. Hand washing happen upon arrival after health screening.

  • We will remain outdoors if/when it rains. We have multiple covered outdoor areas where we can spread out that will provide ample shelter during thunderstorms.

  • During lunch and breaks students will maintain social distancing outside. We will not eat at picnic tables or benches.

    Wasatch County Health Department Approval can be found HERE

Annaliese VerMerris